Information on submitting a specimen to the NAAMDRC Collection is available on the Specimen List page.
Aquatic invertebrates are a key component of freshwater ecosystems, and an understanding of aquatic invertebrate taxonomy is central to freshwater science. The North American Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Digital Reference Collection (NAAMDRC) was created by the USGS Aquatic Experimental Lab (AXL) to provide users with high-quality digital microscopy photographs to aid identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates. Some taxonomy labs possess a physical 'reference' collection of expertly identified type specimens that are used to verify specimen identification. Digital reference collections overcome two common problems of traditional reference collections:
Aquatic invertebrates are a key component of freshwater ecosystems, and an understanding of aquatic invertebrate taxonomy is central to freshwater science. The North American Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Digital Reference Collection (NAAMDRC) was created by the USGS Aquatic Experimental Lab (AXL) to provide users with high-quality digital microscopy photographs to aid identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates. Some taxonomy labs possess a physical 'reference' collection of expertly identified type specimens that are used to verify specimen identification. Digital reference collections overcome two common problems of traditional reference collections:
In NAAMDRC, we annotated important defining characteristics of taxa so that users can more easily identify invertebrates found in aquatic samples. Currently, the DRC contains >5000 images and covers ~75% of the aquatic insect genera occurring west of the Mississippi (and to a lesser extent Eastern taxa) with plans to expand the DRC to include non-insect taxa and all of North America in coming years. The collection also includes pupae and adult life stages of some taxa.
This database also includes metadata associated with each specimen. This ancillary data documents habitat type, time and location of collection, the names of the verifying taxonomists, and any additional taxonomic information associated with each specimen to further aid in identification and verification of taxa. Specimens in the DRC are typically presented at genus level because species level keys are unavailable for immature stages of most aquatic insects, and immature stages are most often encountered in freshwater science.
In NAAMDRC, we annotated important defining characteristics of taxa so that users can more easily identify invertebrates found in aquatic samples. Currently, the DRC contains >5000 images and covers ~75% of the aquatic insect genera occurring west of the Mississippi (and to a lesser extent Eastern taxa) with plans to expand the DRC to include non-insect taxa and all of North America in coming years. The collection also includes pupae and adult life stages of some taxa.
This database also includes metadata associated with each specimen. This ancillary data documents habitat type, time and location of collection, the names of the verifying taxonomists, and any additional taxonomic information associated with each specimen to further aid in identification and verification of taxa. Specimens in the DRC are typically presented at genus level because species level keys are unavailable for immature stages of most aquatic insects, and immature stages are most often encountered in freshwater science.
Our goal is that this DRC will be used as a tool by researchers and practitioners of freshwater science to:
Our goal is that this DRC will be used as a tool by researchers and practitioners of freshwater science to:
The NAAMDRC is a product of the USGS Aquatic Experimental Lab (AXL). Photographs in the NAAMDRC are in the public domain and are available for use without permission.
If these images are used in public presentations such as scientific meetings, please provide the following photo credit:
If the images are used for publication or if the NAAMDRC was used to support published research (e.g., as a specimen identification tool to augment traditional taxonomic keys), please use the following citation:
Walters, D.M., M.A. Ford, and R.E. Zuellig. 2017. An open-source digital reference collection for aquatic macroinvertebrates of North America. Freshwater Science 36(4):693-697. DOI: 10.1086/694539.
The collection is structured hierarchically by taxonomy and is currently searchable by order, family, and genus. Higher-level taxonomy searches will be included in the future as necessary as non-insect taxa are added to the collection. There are two ways to search for taxa in the collection:
Images were captured using INFINITY series cameras (models 1-2C, 3-3URFC, and 2-1RC, Lumenera Corp., Ottawa, ON Canada) coupled with stereomicroscopes (model EMZ-TR, Meiji Techno, San Jose, CA USA and model M8, Wild Company, Heerbrugg, Switzerland) or a compound microscope (model Vanox, Olympus, Waltham, MA USA). Specimens >2mm in length were photographed superimposed over a 1mm gridded stage to provide spatial reference when comparing other individuals for verification. Standard photo perspectives (e.g., dorsal, ventral, lateral, etc.) were taken of each specimen, and at least one in each series was annotated to illustrate important family and/or genus level characteristics noted in commonly available dichotomous keys. Slide mounted specimens representing the family Chironomidae were photographed using a compound microscope, zoomed between 100X and 400X magnification. A similar set of standard perspectives were captured and annotated for these taxa.
Images were captured using INFINITY series cameras (models 1-2C, 3-3URFC, and 2-1RC, Lumenera Corp., Ottawa, ON Canada) coupled with stereomicroscopes (model EMZ-TR, Meiji Techno, San Jose, CA USA and model M8, Wild Company, Heerbrugg, Switzerland) or a compound microscope (model Vanox, Olympus, Waltham, MA USA). Specimens >2mm in length were photographed superimposed over a 1mm gridded stage to provide spatial reference when comparing other individuals for verification. Standard photo perspectives (e.g., dorsal, ventral, lateral, etc.) were taken of each specimen, and at least one in each series was annotated to illustrate important family and/or genus level characteristics noted in commonly available dichotomous keys. Slide mounted specimens representing the family Chironomidae were photographed using a compound microscope, zoomed between 100X and 400X magnification. A similar set of standard perspectives were captured and annotated for these taxa.
The shallow depth of field associated with digital microscopy limits accurate representation of structures located at opposing focal lengths within a single image. To address this issue, we used ‘focus-stacking’ software Zerene Stacker (Zerene Systems) and INFINITY ANALYZE (Lumenera Corp.) to align and merge multiple images taken at variable focal planes to produce a single image that is completely in focus. Additionally, specimens or structures too large to capture in a single field of view were combined into a composite image using the open-source GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP, The GIMP Team, ver 2.8).
The shallow depth of field associated with digital microscopy limits accurate representation of structures located at opposing focal lengths within a single image. To address this issue, we used ‘focus-stacking’ software Zerene Stacker (Zerene Systems) and INFINITY ANALYZE (Lumenera Corp.) to align and merge multiple images taken at variable focal planes to produce a single image that is completely in focus. Additionally, specimens or structures too large to capture in a single field of view were combined into a composite image using the open-source GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP, The GIMP Team, ver 2.8).
The NAAMDRC is a product of the USGS Aquatic Experimental Lab (AXL). Photographs in the NAAMDRC are in the public domain and are available for use without permission.
If these images are used in public presentations such as scientific meetings, please provide the following photo credit:
If the images are used for publication or if the NAAMDRC was used to support published research (e.g., as a specimen identification tool to augment traditional taxonomic keys), please use the following citation:
Walters, D.M., M.A. Ford, and R.E. Zuellig. 2017. An open-source digital reference collection for aquatic macroinvertebrates of North America. Freshwater Science 36(4):693-697. DOI: 10.1086/694539.
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This DRC is presented as a dynamic tool for users and is a compilation of the most accurate, up-to-date, and complete information that is currently available. However, taxonomy is in a constant state of flux, and revision will be a perpetual component of this collection. Please bring any errors in the NAAMDRC to our attention with one of the following contact options. USGS encourages and welcomes contributions of taxa that are currently not included in the DRC. Before submitting a sample, please contact us first to confirm that we are seeking a specific taxa.